Wallwork: The Book of Days Teacher's Book

Wallwork: The Book of Days Teacher's Book

(fb2, 113 страниц, 570 Kb)

Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1999

The Book of Days is a resource book of skills material based around particular days of the year. The material is intended to provide a diversion from the main course book by offering innovative listening, reading and discussion texts designed primarily to stimulate conversation and at the same time inform learners of the origins and customs of world festival days. The Book of Days is aimed primarily at adults and young adults at intermediate to upper-intermediate level but could also be adapted for use with other levels. It contains • innovative supplementary material about world festival days • detailed teacher's notes offering suggestions for exploiting the material in a variety of ways • authentic reading and listening texts providing teachers with first-hand accounts of world festival days.

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