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Vicary Tim: Death in the Freezer (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 213 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 43) Аннотация: Ellen Shore's family is an ordinary American family, and Ellen is six years old when her brother Al is born. Her parents are very pleased to have a son, but Ellen is not pleased, because now baby Al comes first. And when they are adults, Al still comes first. He begins a rock band and makes records. Soon he is rich and famous — very rich, but he gives nothing to his sister Ellen. She has a…

Wright Reg: Ear-Rings from Frankfurt (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 279 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 56) Аннотация: Richard Walton is in trouble again. He has lost his job, and he has borrowed money from his sister, Jennifer — again. And now he has disappeared. Jennifer is looking for him, and so are the police. They both have some questions that they want to ask him. How did he lose his job? Why did he fly to Frankfurt? Who gave his girlfriend those very expensive gold ear-rings? Only Richard can answer these…

Vicary Tim: Grace Darling (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 279 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 56) Аннотация: All they could hear was the wind, and the waves crashing on to the rocks. All they could see was the night. They could not see the ship, broken in two. They could not see the people holding on to the dark wet rock, slowly dying of cold. And they could not hear the cries for help — only the wind. How could they save the people on the rock? Was their wooden boat stronger than the iron ship? Were a…

Foreman Peter: The Mystery of Allegra (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 279 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 56) Аннотация: Allegra is an unusual name. It means 'happy' in Italian, but the little girl in this story is sometimes very sad. She is only five years old, but she tells Adrian, her new friend, that she is going to die soon. How does she know? And who is the other Allegra? The girl in a long white nightdress, who has golden hair and big blue eyes. The girl who comes only at night, and whose hands and face are…

Binder Susan: Return to Earth (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 279 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 56) Аннотация: As they walk through a park in the distant future, Harl and Ellen talk about their work and their lives. But they will never have a life together because their work as scientists is more important to them than their love. Harl plans to leave Earth, on a long and dangerous journey through space. Ellen plans to stay on Earth, to change the way the human mind works. When Harl returns to Earth, Ellen…

Bullard Nick: Stories from the Five Towns (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 279 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 56) Аннотация: Arnold Bennett is famous for his stories about the Five Towns and the people who live there. They look and sound just like other people, and, like all of us, sometimes they do some very strange things. There's Sir Jee, who is a rich businessman. So why is he making a plan with a burglar? Then there is Toby Hall. Why does he decide to visit Number 11 Child Row, and who does he find there? And then…

Duckworth Michael: Voodoo Island (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 203 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 41) Аннотация: Mr James Conway wants to make money. He wants to build new houses and shops — and he wants to build them on an old graveyard, on the island of Haiti. There is only one old man who still visits the graveyard; and Mr Conway is not afraid of one old man. But the old man has friends — friends in the graveyard, friends who lie dead, under the ground. And when Mr Conway starts to build his houses, he…

Bassett Jennifer: Tales from Longpuddle (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 197 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 40) Аннотация: Tony Kytes is a favourite with the girls but he's not terribly clever. If you meet an old girlfriend and she asks for a ride home in your wagon, do you say yes? And then if you meet the girl you are planning to marry, what do you do? Very soon, Tony is in a great muddle, and does not know how to escape from it. These stories are set in an English country village of the nineteenth century, but…

Lawrence D.H.: Love Among the Haystacks (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 218 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 44) Аннотация: It is hay-making time on the Wookey farm. Two brothers are building the haystack, but thinking about other things — about young women, and love. There are angry words, and then a fight between the brothers. But the work goes on, visitors come and go, and the long hot summer day slowly turns to evening. Then the sun goes down, covering the world with a carpet of darkness. From the hedges around…

Bassett Jennifer: Cries from the Heart (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 274 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 55) Аннотация: From Botswana to New Zealand, from Jamaica to Nigeria, from Uganda to Malaysia, from India to South Africa, these moving stories show us that the human heart is the same in every place. Children, wives, mothers, husbands, friends all have the same feelings of fear and pain, happiness and sadness. These eight stories were winning entries in the 2004 Commonwealth Short Story Competition. The…

Bullard Nick: The Call of the Wild (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 335 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 67) Аннотация: When men find gold in the frozen north of Canada, they need dogs — big, strong dogs to pull the sledges on the long journeys to and from the gold mines. Buck is stolen from his home in the south and sold as a sledge-dog. He has to learn a new way of life — how to work in harness, how to stay alive in the ice and the snow... and how to fight. Because when a dog falls down in a fight, he never gets…

Vicary Tim: Chemical Secret (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 294 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 59) Аннотация: The job was too good. There had to be a problem — and there was. John Duncan was an honest man, but he needed money. He had children to look after. He was ready to do anything, and his bosses knew it. They gave him the job because he couldn't say no; he couldn't afford to be honest. And the job was like a poison inside him. It changed him and blinded him, so that he couldn't see the real poison —…

West Clare: A Christmas Carol (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 335 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 67) Аннотация: Christmas is humbug, Scrooge says — just a time when you find yourself a year older and not a penny richer. The only thing that matters to Scrooge is business, and making money. But on Christmas Eve three spirits come to visit him. They take him travelling on the wings of the night to see the shadows of Christmas past, present, and future — and Scrooge learns a lesson that he will never forget.

Border Rosemary: Love Story (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 284 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 57) Аннотация: This is a love story you won't forget. Oliver Barrett meets Jenny Cavilleri. He plays sports, she plays music. He's rich, and she's poor. They argue, and they fight, and they fall in love. So they get married, and make a home together. They work hard, they enjoy life, they make plans for the future. Then they learn that they don't have much time left. Their story has made people laugh, and cry,…

Mowat Diane: The Prisoner of Zenda (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 289 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 58) Аннотация: We must leave for Zenda at once, to find the King! cried Sapt. If we're caught, we'll all be killed! So Rudolf Rassendyll and Sapt gallop through the night to find the King of Ruritania. But the King is now a prisoner in the Castle of Zenda. Who will rescue him from his enemies, the dangerous Duke Michael and Rupert of Hentzau? And who will win the heart of the beautiful Princess Flavia?

Escott John: Black Beauty (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 371 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 74) Аннотация: When Black Beauty is trained to carry a rider on his back, or to pull a carriage behind him, he finds it hard at first. But he is lucky — his first home is a good one, where his owners are kind people, who would never be cruel to a horse. But in the nineteenth century many people were cruel to their horses, whipping them and beating them, and using them like machines until they dropped dead.…

Mowat Diane: Robinson Crusoe (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 279 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 56) Аннотация: I often walked along the shore, and one day I saw something in the sand. I went over to look at it more carefully... It was a footprint — the footprint of a man! In 1659 Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked on a small island off the coast of South America. After fifteen years alone, he suddenly learns that there is another person on the island. But will this man be a friend — or an enemy?

Janet Hardy-Gould: Henry VIII and His Six Wives (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 279 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 56) Аннотация: There were six of them — three Katherines, two Annes, and a Jane. One of them was the King's wife for twenty-four years, another for only a year and a half. One died, two were divorced, and two were beheaded. It was a dangerous, uncertain life. After the King's death in 1547, his sixth wife finds a box of old letters — one from each of the first five wives. They are sad, angry, frightened…

Nobes Patrick: The Hound of the Baskervilles (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 498 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 99) Аннотация: Dartmoor. A wild, wet place in the south-west of England. A place where it is easy to get lost, and to fall into the soft green earth which can pull the strongest man down to his death. A man is running for his life. Behind him comes an enormous dog — a dog from his worst dreams, a dog from hell. Between him and a terrible death stands only one person — the greatest detective of all time,…

Escott John: Treasure Island (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 371 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 74) Аннотация: Suddenly, there was a high voice screaming in the darkness: Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! It was Long John Silver's parrot, Captain Flint! I turned to run... But young Jim Hawkins does not escape from the pirates this time. Will he and his friends find the treasure before the pirates do? Will they escape from the island, and sail back to England with a ship full of gold?