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Coles Peter: Cosmology

Скачать книгу (размер 809 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 160) Аннотация: This book is a simple, non-technical introduction to cosmology, explaining what it is and what cosmologists do. Peter Coles discusses the history of the subject, the development of the Big Bang theory, and more speculative modern issues like quantum cosmology, superstrings, and dark matter.

Parekh Bhikhu: Gandhi

Скачать книгу (размер 809 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 160) Аннотация: Gandhi (1869-1948) was one of the few men in history to fight simultaneously on moral, religious, political, social, economic, and cultural fronts. During his time as a lawyer in South Africa he developed his strategy of non-violence: the idea of opposing unjust laws by non-violent protest, which he made the basis of his successful struggle against British rule in India. In this Very Short…

Leslie L. Iversen: Drugs

Скачать книгу (размер 728 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 144) Аннотация: The book gives a non-technical account of how drugs work in the body. The twentieth century saw a remarkable upsurge of research on drugs, with major advances in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, heart disease, stomac ulcers, cancer, and metal illnesses. These, along with the introduction of the oral contraceptive, have altered all of our lives. There has also been an increase in…

Stevens Anthony: Jung

Скачать книгу (размер 973 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 192) Аннотация: Though he was a prolific writer and an original thinker of vast erudition, Jung lacked a gift for clear exposition and his ideas are less widely appreciated than they deserve. In this concise introduction, Anthony Stevens explains clearly the basic concepts of Jungian psychology: the collective unconscious, complex, archetype, shadow, persona, anima, animus, and the individuation of the Self. He…

Chadwick Henry: Augustine

Скачать книгу (размер 728 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 144) Аннотация: By his writings, the surviving bulk of which exceeds that of any other ancient author, Augustine came to influence not only his contemporaries but also the West since his time. This Very Short Introduction traces the development of Augustine's thought, discussing his reaction to the thinkers before him, and themes such as freedom, creation, and the trinity.

Norris Frank: McTeague

Скачать книгу (размер 1 891 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 372) Аннотация: McTeague (1899) chronicles the demise of a San Francisco couple at the end of the nineteenth century. Inspired by an actual crime that was sensationalized in the San Francisco papers, it tells the story of charlatan dentist McTeague, his wife Trina, and their spiralling descent into moral corruption. Norris is often considered to be the American Zola, and this is one of the most purely…

Racine Jean: Britannicus, Phaedra, Athaliah

Скачать книгу (размер 1 197 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 236) Аннотация: Jean Racine (1639-99) remains to this day the greatest of French poetic dramatists. Britannicus (1669), the first play in this volume, takes its themes from Roman history: the setting is bloody and treacherous court of the Emperor Nero. Phaedra (1677) dramatizes the Greek myth of Phaedra's doomed love for her stepson Hippolytus. Athaliah (1691), Racine's last and perhaps finest play, draws on the…

Trollope Anthony: Orley Farm

Скачать книгу (размер 4 379 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 860) Аннотация: This story deals with the imperfect workings of the legal system in the trial and acquittal of Lady Mason. Trollope wrote in his Autobiography that his friends considered this the best I have written.

Bagehot Walter: The English Constitution

Скачать книгу (размер 1 299 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 256) Аннотация: An ancient and ever-altering constitution is like an old man who still wears with attached fondness clothes in the fashion of his youth: what you see of him is the same; what you do not see is wholly altered. Walter Bagehot's The English Constitution (1867) is the best account of the history and working of the British political system ever written. As arguments raged in mid-Victorian Britain…

Constant Benjamin: Adolphe

Скачать книгу (размер 605 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 120) Аннотация: The great question in life is the suffering we cause, and the most ingenious metaphysics do not justify the man who has broken the heart that loved him. Enjoying all the advantages of noble birth and intellectual ability, but haunted by a sense of the meaninglessness of life, Adolphe seeks distraction in the pursuit of the beautiful, but older and more vulnerable Ellenore. Unaware of the danger…

The Recognition of Sakuntala

Скачать книгу (размер 820 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 162) Аннотация: KING Yes. I shall release you — SAKUNTALA When? KING When? When, like a bee, I kiss the bud of your unbruised lip And flood my thirsting mouth with nectar. Kalidasa's play about the love of King Dusyanta and Sakuntala, a hermitage girl, their separation by a curse, and eventual reunion, is the supreme work of Sanskrit drama by its greatest poet and playwright (c.4th century CE). Overwhelmingly…

Hays Mary: Memoirs of Emma Courtney

Скачать книгу (размер 1 350 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 266) Аннотация: First published in the turbulent decade following the French Revolution, Memoirs of Emma Courtney is based on Mary Hays' own passionate struggle with romance and Enlightenment philosophy. A feminist and ardent disciple of Mary Wollstonecraft, Hays reveals the lamentable gap between 'what women are' and 'what woment ought to be'. The novel is one of the most articulate and detailed expressions of…

Schendl Herbert: Historical Linguistics

Скачать книгу (размер 728 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 144) Аннотация: This book provides an accessible introduction to anyone interested in the history of the English language. It outlines the major issues and terminology used in the field of Historical Linguistics, a required part of most university-level language and linguistics courses, and creates an opening into the field for the new reader.

Roach Peter: Phonetics

Скачать книгу (размер 646 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 128) Аннотация: Phonetics is an essential part of linguistics, as it is through analysing spoken language that linguistic data is collected. This book leads the reader through the main areas of phonetics, including how speech sounds are made and how phoneticians classify them in certain ways, the International Phonetic Alphabet, and how sounds are transmitted from speaker to hearer.

Jonson Ben: The Devil is an Ass and Other Plays

Скачать книгу (размер 2 921 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 574) Аннотация: Poetaster Sejanus The Devil is an Ass New Inn Oxford English Drama offers plays from the sixteenth to early twentieth centuries in selections that make available both rarely printed and canonical works. The texts are freshly edited using modern spelling. Critical introductions, wide-ranging annotation, and informative bibliographies illuminate the plays' cultural contexts and theatrical potential…

The Trojan Women and Other Plays

Скачать книгу (размер 1 136 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 224) Аннотация: Hecuba The Trojan Women Andromache In the three great war plays contained in this volume Euripides subjects the sufferings of Troy's survivors to a harrowing examination. The horrific brutality which both women and children undergo evokes a response of unparalleled intensity in the playwright whom Aristotle called the most tragic of the poets. Yet the new battleground of the aftermath of war is…

Brumfit C.J.: Individual Freedom in Language Teaching

Скачать книгу (размер 1 136 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 224) Аннотация: Starting from the premise that each person develops a unique and personal code for communication, Christopher Brumfit examines the roles of teachers and learners and the approaches that education professionals should develop in support of learners. The book draws upon linguistic, psychological, philosophical, and sociolinguistic principles and uses practical examples from second, foreign, and…

Nolasco Rob: Twist! Student's Book 3

Скачать книгу (размер 544 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 108) Аннотация: A flexible, topic-based course for teenagers, building on and extending the English they have already learnt.

Nolasco Rob: Twist! Workbook 3

Скачать книгу (размер 442 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 88) Аннотация: A flexible, topic-based course for teenagers, building on and extending the English they have already learnt.